Denix, manufacturer of replica weapons for collectors

High quality reproductions of arms and complements

Factory pictures

  • Main facade of the factory
  • Main facade of the factory, supply entry
  • General view of the factory
  • CNC machine
  • Machining an electrode
  • Mechanical section
  • Casting section
  • Injected castings
  • Casting stock
  • Filing section
  • Pieces prepared to receive electrolytic bath
  • Electrolytic baths section
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Assembly section
  • Assembly section
  • Finished models
  • Packaging section
  • Warehouse section
  • General view of the interior of the new building
  • Packing section


  1. Posted by Grayson T. on 04/02/2024 22:41

    i completely agree with John. it would be nice if u also made .36 black powder revolver and a .36 crocket. think you for listening,
    -Grayson K. T.

  2. Posted by John on 19/11/2023 01:01

    Would be good if you could do an SLR british pattern late 50s to early 80s this would sell like hot cakes to older ex servicemen,just purchased.45 m1911 strippable great detail well made thanks

  3. Posted by Malcolm Sutton on 23/12/2022 01:19

    Perfect replicas, there folks....! A lot of thought and effort to obtaining a superb finish! AAA+
    Any chance you have thought about making the SLR?? I would love to have a model of that one. Earlier type with the wooden stock and guards etc. Many thanks, Malcolm (New Zealand)

  4. Posted by Lapua on 19/06/2022 03:44

    Be amazing to have a BAR rifle to add to the amazing list this would be a winner for WW2 collectors

  5. Posted by Fredrik on 28/12/2021 11:49

    absolutly fantastic replicas! i would love it if you would make the winchester 1887 lever action shotgun! an iconic weapon that has made apperances in for example the terminator and the munmy returns!

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